short. Perhaps, also, they don't return. But it's late and there is no time for the peace of mind we sought. Does the girl within suffer our wrath for embarrassing us? Is she left in the closet more and more be- cause of our apprehension of visitors? Does she, after a time, return to the limbo from which we called her? If so I'd hazard a guess as to the end result. Want to hear it? It's not pretty. We're hard to get along with. We have few friends. Perhaps we have ulcers, indigestion, and we're mad at the world. If this is what you want you may as well get used to the idea now. Familiarity breeds contempt and if we are the sole contact with our femmeself we will grow to hate her for what we feel she has done to us. I don't know how you feel but I shudder to think how close I came to losing Linda.
So now we know what happens when we make the bedroom our sanctuary and exclude everyone else from our femmelives. What to do about it? The first thing, to my way of thinking, is to open the door and step into the light of day. The light blinds us until we realize it's be- cause we've been in the dark for so long. But, as people find out what we're really like, the light that blinded us becomes a glow, soft and ef- fervescent, and we can see clearly that what counts is not what we are or how we dress but what we mean to our friends. If they know we are decent and they are real friends, it shouldn't make any difference. So we tell a friend. We explain what it means. But how about neighbors? What happens if a stranger finds out. I'd say that it's better to be hon- est than to have the neighbors and God knows who else thinking there's a queer loose in the area. We must use judgment and common sense but something must be done to show the truth before it's too late. In the hope that it may help someone, I'll tell you how I went about it. I don't mean to imply that I'm any braver than any of the rest of you. Or that I knew what I'd do if worst came to worst. I simply decided that if femmepersonation is not wrong or bad, what have I got to hide? I was groping in the dark for a way but the old adage applies here quite well. "Where there's a will there's a way." That girl you've known for so long has all the feminine wiles you'll ever need.
In my first attempt to communicate my ideas on the subject, it was my wife whom I told. I shan't go into details because there isn't any- thing to tell. Unlike most GG's mine was with me from the start. I didn't tell her until after we were married. I don't know why but it wasn't important in the long run. For most it will be. And if she loves you for yourself she should try to understand. If she doesn't under- stand or doesn't want to I have no solution. We must live with our- selves but we cannot force others to live with us. Get used to the idea